Monday, February 24, 2014

Greatest treatise on Intellectual Love, the Holy Geetha !

One of the greatest treatises
Which speak about Intellectual Love
Is Geetha Holy
Revealed to the disciminative intellect
By the Absolute Self !

Amor Intellectualis, Vibhakti
Is all in all !
Universe is made of One Substance

It is all this, it is all this !

The Same, the Same
Friend and foe are same
Stuff is such and so much
Variations are unimportant
Who contemplate distinctions
Are stupefied by Ignorance !

Yogis, after renouncing fruits 
Of work selfless, Nishkama
Reach the highest Heaven
Severing the bond of Karma !

This has been revealed to thee
Thy discriminative intellect will show the way
Come on, arise, awake
Seek out the Great Ones
To know the Truth ineffable !

Conquer thine enemies inner
Enjoy the Bliss of Heaven
I have destroyed for thee
The elements negative
In thy agitating mind !
I will make thee victorious
In this titanic inner war
And give Bliss eternal !